Hello! I’m running into this error while trying to...
# aws
Hello! I’m running into this error while trying to run
pulumi up
Copy code
error: resource complete event returned an error: failed to verify snapshot: resource urn:pulumi:theNameOfMyResource::awsx:x:ecs:FargateTaskDefinition$aws:ecs/taskDefinition:TaskDefinition: refers to missing resource
This error occured after I’ve runned
pulumi cancel
pulumi stack export | pulumi stack import
. I’ve runned the commands because pulumi was blocked in a pending state.
have you tried restoring from a backup?
pulumi refresh
fix it?
👍 1
Thanks a lot @steep-toddler-94095 and @prehistoric-translator-89978. I’ve restored it from a backup and I’ve runned a refresh. All good now!
👍 1
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