Anyone created ingress controllers in EKS through ...
# aws
Anyone created ingress controllers in EKS through pulumi? If you have any useful documentation that can help along the way, do drop them in the comments!
Ingress as in
new k8s.networking.v1.Ingress
This is an ingress using the ingress-nginx chart.
Copy code
let ingress = new k8s.networking.v1.Ingress(ingressName, {
            apiVersion: "<|>",
            kind: "Ingress",
            metadata: {
                name: ingressName,
                namespace: this.namespaceName,
                annotations: {
                    '<|>': 'nginx',
                    '<|>': '/$2',
                    // '<|>': this.clusterIssuerName,
            spec: {
                tls: [{
                    hosts: [
                    secretName: this.tlsSecretName,
                rules: [{
                    host: `${this.args.dnsHostname}.${this.args.dnsDomain}`,
                    http: {
                        paths: [{
                            path: `${urlPath}(/|$)(.*)`,
                            pathType: 'Prefix',
                            backend: {
                                service: {
                                    name: serviceName,
                                    port: {
                                        number: 8080,
        }, { parent: this.namespace, provider: this.cluster.provider, dependsOn: [this.chartIngressNginx, this.tlsSecret, service], deleteBeforeReplace: true });
        return ingress;