Gday folks... Dunno if anyone else is hitting any ...
# aws
Gday folks... Dunno if anyone else is hitting any issues, but overnight my Pulumi in GH Actions was upgraded to 3.18.0, and deployments are randomly failing during
pulumi up
In this particular case, it's around nil pointers in lambda, but i also just had several fails with pushing to ECS which also seemed similar.
literally nothing has changed in the project except a package upgrade (and in my other project, a string changed), so i'm wondering whether it's the pulumi bump from 3.17.1 to 3.18 via the GH action, or the something in Github that might have changed
aws provider version stayed the same?
no changes made to the pulumi project, only to the source of my lambda. And it was just a dependabot update
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About that time there was a bad push to ECR base images. Is the problem still happening?
From reading the related issue, it's probably not what you're seeing, but you might be interested anyway:
👍 1