Any idea why pulumi is always pushing to <docker.i...
# aws
Any idea why pulumi is always pushing to and not my ecr?
Copy code
const ecrRepo = new aws.ecr.Repository(
        _.kebabCase(`${projectName} Repository`),
            tags: {
                name: _.kebabCase(`${projectName} repository`),
            imageTagMutability: "MUTABLE",
            imageScanningConfiguration: {
                scanOnPush: true,
            name: _.kebabCase(`${environment} ${projectName} Repository`),

    const {password, userName} = await aws.ecr.getAuthorizationToken({
        registryId: ecrRepo.registryId,

    const dockerImage = new docker.Image(
        _.kebabCase(`${projectName} Docker Image`),
            imageName: _.kebabCase(`${projectName}`),
            build: {
                context: `./`,
                dockerfile: "Dockerfile",
            registry: {
                server: ecrRepo.repositoryUrl,
                password: password,
                username: userName,
            parent: ecrRepo,
what is the name of the image it creates?
you need to tag the image with your ECR repo name
👍 I will try that
that did it