How can I declare a KMS Key with a policy that ref...
# aws
How can I declare a KMS Key with a policy that references the ID of the declared key? e.g.
Copy code
// KMS
  // <>
  const cloudTrailKmsKey: aws.kms.Key = new aws.kms.Key(`${appName}-kms-trail-key`, {
    deletionWindowInDays: 7,
    description: "CloudTrail Trail key",
    policy: accountId.apply(awsAccountId => {
      return JSON.stringify({
        Version: "2012-10-17",
        Statement: [
            Sid: "AllowRootForKms",
            Effect: "Allow",
            Principal: { AWS: `arn:aws:iam::${awsAccountId}:root` },
            Action: "kms:*",
            Resource: "*",
            Sid: "AllowCloudTrailDecryptLogs",
            Effect: "Allow",
            Principal: { Service: "<|>" },
            Action: "kms:Decrypt",
            Resource: "${cloudTrailKmsKey.arn} GOES HERE",
            Condition: {
              Null: { "kms:EncryptionContext:aws:cloudtrail:arn": "false" },