I am trying to import an existing Azure App Servic...
# azure
I am trying to import an existing Azure App Service plan (I import the existing Resource Group without any problem) and the code I use looks like this:
Copy code
var appServicePlan = new Plan("ExistingPlanName",
new PlanArgs
    Name = "ExistingPlanName",
    ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
    Location = resourceGroup.Location,
    Sku = new PlanSkuArgs
        Tier = "Basic",
        Size = "B1",
        Capacity = 1
    Kind = "linux",

new CustomResourceOptions
    ImportId = "/subscriptions/782a82df-843b-423f-b7ab-XXXXXXXXX/resourceGroups/XXXXXXXX/providers/Microsoft.Web/serverFarms/ExistingPlanName"