I finally found some time working on my small samp...
# azure
I finally found some time working on my small sample app, but for some reason deploying the infrastructure fails. I did try to run almost the same F# sample code from the examples project, but my version fails. The main difference is that I'm using paket and the sample is using standard nuget. My program fails when creating a
, anyone seen that before?
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error: Running program '/Users/tomasjansson/git/mastoj/Quickz/src/Quickz.Infra/bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.1/Quickz.Infra.dll' failed with an unhandled exception:
    System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Void Pulumi.CustomResource..ctor(System.String, System.String, Pulumi.ResourceArgs, Pulumi.ResourceOptions)'.
       at Pulumi.Azure.Core.ResourceGroup..ctor(String name, ResourceGroupArgs args, CustomResourceOptions options)
       at Helpers.createResourceGroup(String name) in /Users/tomasjansson/git/mastoj/Quickz/src/Quickz.Infra/Helpers.fs:line 14
       at Program.infra() in /Users/tomasjansson/git/mastoj/Quickz/src/Quickz.Infra/Program.fs:line 5
       at Program.main@40.Invoke(Unit arg00@) in /Users/tomasjansson/git/mastoj/Quickz/src/Quickz.Infra/Program.fs:line 40
       at Pulumi.FSharp.Deployment.run@48.Invoke()
       at Pulumi.Deployment.<>c__DisplayClass75_0.<RunAsync>b__0()
       at Pulumi.Stack.RunInitAsync(Func`1 init)
       at Pulumi.Deployment.Runner.WhileRunningAsync()
The pulumi versions I'm using:
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Pulumi (1.11.1-preview)
    Pulumi.Azure (1.13.0-preview)
    Pulumi.FSharp (1.11.1-preview)
    Pulumi.Random (1.5.0-preview)
    Pulumi.Tls (1.4.0-preview)
And that should be the same version for
as the sample at least.
Rollback your main
to a previous version
There’s a breaking change in 1.11.1 that hasn’t propagated to providers yet
ok, so I need to pin it to 1.11.0?
I think I know what caused it. I updated the fsharp dependencies in my project... that probably updated the reference to pulumi as well.
You should probably downgrade
That's what I did. Paket helped me with that one since
Pulumi.FSharp 1.11.1
required the same version of
. I wonder if it would be a good idea to have sample projects/tests using paket instead of standard versioning to detect these kind of versioning issues.
It could make sense for F# ones
I think it might make sense for C# as well, language is irrelevant here as I see here it. It’s about discovering versioning issues.
This should get smooth(-er) after we go GA with .NET.
👍 1