Are there any good samples on deploying istio to a...
# azure
Are there any good samples on deploying istio to a Azure Kubernetes cluster? The one I found was for GKE.
Also, the example I found is using helm chart to install istio which will be deprecated in the future. The recommended approach is to use the
client, but how does that work with pulumi? Do you know @tall-librarian-49374
Maybe @gorgeous-egg-16927 @breezy-hamburger-69619 can help
Got it, so basically not using istioctl to manage kubernetes, just to generate the manifests needed. Sounds doable. A lot of new things for me, but a great learning experience :)
Yep, that’s my suggestion. You could also shell out to
from Pulumi to generate the manifests as part of an update if that process is working out for you. A little clunky, but I think the advantages of managing resource updates with Pulumi are worth it. (That’s very similar to the way we integrate with Helm)
Thanks, I’ll see what I end up with.