<@UB39JFCKC> could you guys please provide a Servi...
# azure
@tall-librarian-49374 could you guys please provide a Service Fabric sample? https://github.com/pulumi/examples/issues/202
Is it still a thing beyond internal Microsoft usage?
Not sure what you mean?
All right. My (maybe poor) judgement is based on how much marketing effort Microsoft puts into promoting SF (~0) vs. K8s (a lot).
I wouldn't work on any greenfield SF project anymore. But that's just me.
Sure, MS aligns their marketing budgets with ever changing crowd's favorite pets. Today it's k8s, probably there is some shiny new next big thing 12 months from now, that devs and architects what to add to their resume skills list. MS has no targets on selling SF. It's a project that first and foremost must run their complete Azure infrastructure and services. SF's #1 customer is and shall be MS. So no, there is no hype around it followed by a cheering crowd. But yes, SF is used quite a lot, mostly by .Net or Java focussed (SaaS) enterprises, where multi tenancy and stateful reliable microservices that (really) scale horizontally. Check for example: https://twitter.com/3tornados/status/1243393599309414400
Anyway, I would love to put my teeth in setting up a sample for SF in the Pulumi samples Github project. My current task for my customer is actually to provision an SF cluster, so I can extract a working sample from it. If you are appreciative of such a sample, please reopen issue https://github.com/pulumi/examples/issues/202 so I can use it for PR ref etc