Okay, running into a new issue. How do I tell whic...
# azure
Okay, running into a new issue. How do I tell which thing it's saying I don't have rights to create?
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Updating (dev):
     Type                                             Name             Status                  Info
     pulumi:pulumi:Stack                              dapr-poc-dev     **failed**              1 error; 2 warnings
 +   ├─ azuread:index:Application                     aks              **creating failed**     1 error
 +   └─ azure:operationalinsights:AnalyticsWorkspace  aksloganalytics  created

  pulumi:pulumi:Stack (dapr-poc-dev):
    warning: resource plugin azure is expected to have version >=2.3.1, but has ; the wrong version may be on your path, or this may be a bug in the plugin
    warning: resource plugin azuread is expected to have version >=1.8.0, but has ; the wrong version may be on your path, or this may be a bug in the plugin
    error: update failed

  azuread:index:Application (aks):
    error: graphrbac.ApplicationsClient#Create: Failure responding to request: StatusCode=403 -- Original Error: autorest/azure: Service returned an error. Status=403 Code="Unknown" Message="Unknown service error" Details=[{"odata.error":{"code":"Authorization_RequestDenied","date":"2020-04-01T19:53:21","message":{"lang":"en","value":"Insufficient privileges to complete the operation."},"requestId":"d1c7500a-eb0c-4bd7-b182-86b214c1eb15"}}]