Does anyone have any experience using Pulumi to ma...
# azure
Does anyone have any experience using Pulumi to manage API Management Services? Even though I can import OpenAPI 3.0 documents in the Azure Portal, when I try to do the same with Pulumi, it always chokes on 3.0 (it works fine with old Swagger 2.x documents). Is there a property I'm missing somewhere?
Ah... ok, thanks for finding that. I've upvoted and subscribed to the issue for updates.
Do you have much experience with APIM? I'm having difficulty getting versioning to work as I expect it to, and would love to see a sample of a versioned API as it's supposed to be defined.
No, not really, unfortunately. Worth asking as a separate message in the channel?
Thanks! I think I'm an expert, now, in APIM versions... I probably tried every possible combination of property settings and eventually figured it out. 😀
@thousands-megabyte-97545 That’s awesome! I’d love to see your code as an example in our repo!
@thousands-megabyte-97545 Did you share your findings somewhere? I’m currently having problems with creating versioned APIs using Pulumi and could really use some pointers