Hello! What would be the best way to update an Sto...
# azure
Hello! What would be the best way to update an StorageAccount from V1 to V2? It was deployed some months ago when the default attribute was "Storage", not if I update the resource to
accountKind: "StorageV2"
, it's saying that is going to replace the storage and all the tables. Is it possible to update the version without losing data?
Hi @some-photographer-18225 Is this action able to be done via the Azure Portal?
Yes, it's possible to be done in the Azure Portal. Was afraid of causing some inconsistency in the pulumi state tho.
Going to do some tests with this. :)
Just had to update in the portal and then do a
pulumi refresh
. Perfect, thanks for the help @broad-dog-22463
I believe this is something the portal will handle but isn't exposed in the API - glad you are all ok here 🙂
💯 1
seems like not even in ARM templates. if you’re orchestrating just use the cli