is it possible to store the Azure client secret as...
# azure
is it possible to store the Azure client secret as an encrypted value in the Pulumi state file?
there's an "additionalSecretOutputs" or something property you can apply to each resource, that should do it
👍 2
I was using the default Azure provider "pulumiprovidersazure::default_3_19_0". As I understand I have to create a custom Azure provider and specify the values as Pulumi secret:
Copy code
import { clientId, clientSecret, environment, subscriptionId, tenantId } from "@pulumi/azure/config";
import { interpolate, secret } from "@pulumi/pulumi";
import { Provider } from "@pulumi/azure";

export const azProvider = new Provider("az-provider", {
  clientId: secret(interpolate`${clientId}`),
  clientSecret: secret(interpolate`${clientSecret}`),
  environment: secret(interpolate`${environment}`),
  subscriptionId: secret(interpolate`${subscriptionId}`),
  tenantId: secret(interpolate`${tenantId}`),