While trying to setup a TeamServicesAgent VM exten...
# azure
While trying to setup a TeamServicesAgent VM extension with NextGen, got a strange error - perhaps not doing something right.. This is how I create it:
var pipeline_vui = new VirtualMachineExtension("pipeline-vui", new VirtualMachineExtensionArgs
VmExtensionName = "TeamServicesAgent",
Publisher = "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services",
Location = _resourceGroup.Location,
ResourceGroupName = _resourceGroup.Name,
VmName = "vui",
Settings = new Dictionary<string, object>{
"AzureDevOpsOrganizationUrl", "<https://dev.azure.com/xxxxxxx>"
"TeamProject", "xxxx"
"DeploymentGroup", "Dev-Test environment"
"AgentName", "test-vui"
"Tags", "Test"
ProtectedSettings = new Dictionary<string, object>{
"PATToken", "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
Type = "TeamServicesAgent",
TypeHandlerVersion = "1.0",
AutoUpgradeMinorVersion = true,
And error is: error: Code="VMExtensionProvisioningError" Message="VM has reported a failure when processing extension 'TeamServicesAgent'. Error message: \"The extension received an incorrect input. Please correct the input and try again. More details: AzureDevOpsOrganizationUrl should be specified.\"\r\n\r\nMore information on troubleshooting is available at https://aka.ms/vmextensionwindowstroubleshoot "
Are you on version 0.2.2?
not yet, will update now and retry
Thanks! There was one fix there that could help.
It helped! Many thanks!