I got some weird error when updating azure-nextgen...
# azure
I got some weird error when updating azure-nextgen. Anyone seen this?
Copy code
error: failed to discover plugin requirements: illegal semver returned by language host: azurenextgen@vazure-nextgen
0.2.5: Invalid character(s) found in major number "azure-nextgen\n0"
The plugin version is 0.2.5 and the plugin version should also be 0.2.5.
to make it even more interesting. It works on my machine but not on azure devops :)
This is C# right @wet-noon-14291 ?
Yeah. Or F#... but .net sdk.
I believe I’ve identified the commit that has changed this
I’ve posted in an internal channel about this
Can you open an issue that we can reference so others can see it?
This is likely because you are using Pulumi (CLI) pre-2.13.0. There was a change in Pulumi.AzureNextGen discovery that only works with the latest CLI.
I think I know why I sort of experienced this, and based on your comment @tall-librarian-49374 I don't think it is pulumi's fault. When I started using pulumi I don't think pulumi was available as a pre-installed tool for the AzureCLI task, but it seems like it is now. I might been wrong on this though. The version installed is 2.12.1. So when I installed pulumi manually and added pulumi to the path I added it after the pre-installed one so 2.12.1 was always used in the following tasks. Adding it to the beginning of the PATH env variable solved it.
Does anyone of you know where the default version of pulumi for the azure cli task is defined?