Hello, I’m trying to debug an issue introduced by...
# azure
Hello, I’m trying to debug an issue introduced by the
terraform azurerm - v2.34.0
provider. I downgraded to
@pulumi/azure - v3.28.0
which uses
terraform azurerm v2.33.0
according to https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-azure/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md But I still got the same error message
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error: azure:operationalinsights/analyticsWorkspace:AnalyticsWorkspace resource 'log-f-stack-s-a-sb' has a problem: expected daily_quota_gb to be at least (0.000000), got -1.000000
property was not present before`terraform azurerm v2.34.0` so I wonder why I still got this error. Terraform changelog: https://github.com/terraform-providers/terraform-provider-azurerm/releases/tag/v2.34.0
 - support for the 
 property (#8861)
I can also confirm this with this commit which in only present in v2.34
Hey @boundless-airport-99052 So this issue is this line:
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if workspaceCapping := resp.WorkspaceCapping; workspaceCapping != nil {
		d.Set("daily_quota_gb", resp.WorkspaceCapping.DailyQuotaGb)
	} else {
		d.Set("daily_quota_gb", utils.Float(-1))
notice it's being set to -1 here
hi paul
the way around this for you would be to use ignoreChanges on that property
then we can open an issue and help work through it
the code you mentioned is pulumi or terrform code?
TF code
we don't have any explicit mapping of that field
wait a minute, I linked to the wrong code but it's still the same issue:
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"daily_quota_gb": {
				Type:             schema.TypeFloat,
				Optional:         true,
				Default:          -1.0,
				DiffSuppressFunc: dailyQuotaGbDiffSuppressFunc,
				ValidateFunc:     validation.FloatAtLeast(0),
you’re right
which is not in terraform v2.33
it’s why I try dowgraded to @pulumi/azure - v3.28.0
I am on master and see this in the provider
is pulumi using the terraform master branch?
nope this code was added 27 days ago
that's the commit that added it
which was released in v2.39.0 of AzureRM TF provide
agreed - this is the bug for sure
so setting ignoreChanges on this should work for you for now till we can fix it up
Yes, but if I use @pulumi/azure v3.28, I should use terraform v2.33, isn’t it?
those are correct versions
(Note that I didn’t set the
in the pulumi code. But this property is returned by azure - I try to add the
property and I still got this error)
I created a new pulumi project (
@pulumi/azure v3.32.0
) with a new AnalyticsWorkspace resource. I was able to reproduce the error message. Then I downgraded to
@pulumi/azure v3.28.0
and I didn’t have the error anymore 👍 But on my real project, after having downgraded to
@pulumi/azure v3.28.0
I still got the error 🤔 The only difference I see is that in my real project the AnalyticsWorkspace resource already exists. Do you have any idea?
mmmhhhh that's super weird! If azure is returning that then it's a potential breakage in their API - can you set the value to 0 for now?
or whatever makes sense for your project to ensure you are not blocked
I set the verbose to
and got this:
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I1207 14:37:59.165317   71348 rpc.go:247] Unmarshaling property for RPC[Provider[azure, 0xc0013b7c80].Check(urn:pulumi:sandbox::foundations::maif:subscription$azure:operationalinsights/analyticsWorkspace:AnalyticsWorkspace::log-f-stack-s-a-sb).inputs]: __defaults={[{dailyQuotaGb} {internetIngestionEnabled} {internetQueryEnabled} {location}]}
I1207 14:37:59.165358   71348 rpc.go:247] Unmarshaling property for RPC[Provider[azure, 0xc0013b7c80].Check(urn:pulumi:sandbox::foundations::maif:subscription$azure:operationalinsights/analyticsWorkspace:AnalyticsWorkspace::log-f-stack-s-a-sb).inputs]: dailyQuotaGb={-1}
I1207 14:37:59.165376   71348 rpc.go:247] Unmarshaling property for RPC[Provider[azure, 0xc0013b7c80].Check(urn:pulumi:sandbox::foundations::maif:subscription$azure:operationalinsights/analyticsWorkspace:AnalyticsWorkspace::log-f-stack-s-a-sb).inputs]: internetIngestionEnabled={true}
I1207 14:37:59.165390   71348 rpc.go:247] Unmarshaling property for RPC[Provider[azure, 0xc0013b7c80].Check(urn:pulumi:sandbox::foundations::maif:subscription$azure:operationalinsights/analyticsWorkspace:AnalyticsWorkspace::log-f-stack-s-a-sb).inputs]: internetQueryEnabled={true}
I1207 14:37:59.165403   71348 rpc.go:247] Unmarshaling property for RPC[Provider[azure, 0xc0013b7c80].Check(urn:pulumi:sandbox::foundations::maif:subscription$azure:operationalinsights/analyticsWorkspace:AnalyticsWorkspace::log-f-stack-s-a-sb).inputs]: location={francecentral}
I1207 14:37:59.165413   71348 rpc.go:247] Unmarshaling property for RPC[Provider[azure, 0xc0013b7c80].Check(urn:pulumi:sandbox::foundations::maif:subscription$azure:operationalinsights/analyticsWorkspace:AnalyticsWorkspace::log-f-stack-s-a-sb).inputs]: name={log-f-stack-s-a-sb-yh}
I1207 14:37:59.165439   71348 rpc.go:247] Unmarshaling property for RPC[Provider[azure, 0xc0013b7c80].Check(urn:pulumi:sandbox::foundations::maif:subscription$azure:operationalinsights/analyticsWorkspace:AnalyticsWorkspace::log-f-stack-s-a-sb).inputs]: resourceGroupName={rg-cloud-platform}
I1207 14:37:59.165465   71348 rpc.go:247] Unmarshaling property for RPC[Provider[azure, 0xc0013b7c80].Check(urn:pulumi:sandbox::foundations::maif:subscription$azure:operationalinsights/analyticsWorkspace:AnalyticsWorkspace::log-f-stack-s-a-sb).inputs]: retentionInDays={30}
I1207 14:37:59.165488   71348 rpc.go:247] Unmarshaling property for RPC[Provider[azure, 0xc0013b7c80].Check(urn:pulumi:sandbox::foundations::maif:subscription$azure:operationalinsights/analyticsWorkspace:AnalyticsWorkspace::log-f-stack-s-a-sb).inputs]: sku={PerGB2018}
I1207 14:37:59.165509   71348 provider_plugin.go:574] Provider[azure, 0xc0013b7c80].Check(urn:pulumi:sandbox::foundations::maif:subscription$azure:operationalinsights/analyticsWorkspace:AnalyticsWorkspace::log-f-stack-s-a-sb) success: inputs=#9 failures=#1
I1207 14:37:59.165530   71348 eventsink.go:86] eventSink::Error(<{%reset%}>azure:operationalinsights/analyticsWorkspace:AnalyticsWorkspace resource 'log-f-stack-s-a-sb' has a problem: expected daily_quota_gb to be at least (0.000000), got -1.000000<{%reset%}>)
How can I debug it more?
I also checkout the tag
and no code mention
in my
folder, I grep for
or `daily_quota_qb`and didn’t find anything neither
I set the value to 100000, so I’m not blocked anymore. I will open an issue on terraform BUT I don’t understand why I got the error after having downgrade to @pulumi/azure v3.28.0. Do you have any idea? How can I debug this?
Open an issue on pulumi-azure and we can look into it
it seems to be an issue on our side TBH
great, I’ll do
thanks for your time
I also created this: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-azure/issues/784 (which is related)