Hi there! I am trying Pulumi for a toy project, wi...
# azure
Hi there! I am trying Pulumi for a toy project, with the intention of using it in serious projects in the future. About once a week I have had problems with the azure provider, usually with errors coming from terraform. Using
pulumi destroy
pulumi up
is all right at this stage, but soon I won't be able to fix it that way. Are there other people facing this kind of problems? How do you solve them?
Can you provide more details about the problems? And, are you aware of the nextgen Azure provider? https://www.pulumi.com/blog/announcing-nextgen-azure-provider/ It is based on Azure’s ARM APIs and thus not bound to the Terraform providers.
Nice to hear there is this nextgen thing going on 🙂
I read that it doesn't yet support creating key vault secrets, so that is a no go for me atm
Next time I encounter a terraform related error I'll take care to write it down
And nice to see that both providers can coexist btw
You can mix and match the nextgen and the “classic” provider. So if the ARM API (and thus nextgen) doesn’t support a feature, you can use the “classic”provider right alongside the nextgen provider as needed.
Sounds like it's time to switch then 🙂
I read that it doesn’t yet support creating key vault secrets, so that is a no go for me atm
Also, the support for AKV secrets is already merged and will be there in the next release.