I'm trying to make sense of the types in `nextgen`...
# azure
I'm trying to make sense of the types in
, but could use some help. For instance, I want to create an
, but there is no such resource in
. Instead, I found a WebApp resource that seems similar. Is there a logic behind the name?
We are using the names that Azure Open API specs are using. They have
which seems inconsistent but that’s defined by Azure and we don’t bring our opinion here.
FWIW, you will find the same names in Azure SDKs, usually.
@tall-librarian-49374 we are evaluating Pulumi Azure Nexte Gen and have successfully created many of the resources that we need, but a simple Azure App Function I have not been able to locate or configure correctly, what part of the api docs should I use for such a function and do Pulumi have a short example for such a important part of a serverless stack. Have been searching the docs for two days now, and if i use the old provider I get a version 1 function instead of v3. Thanx in advance
There’s no resource like FunctionApp in Azure API. It’s the same WebApp resource as the AppService, just configured differently. You can find several examples in my serverless workshop, e.g. this one https://github.com/mikhailshilkov/azure-serverless-workshop/tree/master/02-serverless