Should Pulumi be able to import swagger version 3 ...
# azure
Should Pulumi be able to import swagger version 3 api’s in a api managment api. We get the following error?
Yes, if the service supports it
how do we know whether the service supports it?
if we can import it manually?
yes, for example. and look at the generated arm template after that
I think @wet-noon-14291 was doing something like that?
cool thank you
@tall-librarian-49374 seems like we can do it manually, but it fails with pulumi. we opened the source and it seems like it is hardcoded to version 2.0
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/// <summary>
    /// The OpenAPI 2.0 JSON document is hosted on a publicly accessible internet address.
    /// </summary>
    public static ContentFormat Swagger_link_json { get; } = new ContentFormat("swagger-link-json");
in ContentFormat.cs
This is the enum, right?
Try this one?
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/// <summary>
        /// The OpenAPI 3.0 JSON document is hosted on a publicly accessible internet address.
        /// </summary>
        public static ContentFormat Openapi_json_link { get; } = new ContentFormat("openapi+json-link");
we only tried decompiling but it looks like a enumtype
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/// <summary>
/// Format of the Content in which the API is getting imported.
/// </summary>
public readonly struct ContentFormat : IEquatable<ContentFormat>
thank you, we now got further. the error was due to ContentFormat.swagger json link and we changed it to openapi instead and now it got created. THANK YOU!
I did the exact same mistake @brave-winter-60074. It is actually in the doc if you expand the Open API 3 example: .
Thank you!