Are there any examples of how to use c# to create ...
# azure
Are there any examples of how to use c# to create
Azure Roles Assignments
for a resource? For Example: in the portal I can, from the Access Control blade for a database server, assigned the role of SQL DB Contributor to an App service) Thanks!
To add a roll to an existing user/application/group you can use
like below, here I just grabbed the ObjectId from the directory. You can use the
Nuget package to programmatically manage the directory if required:
Copy code
using Pulumi;
using Azure = Pulumi.Azure;

class ExampleStack : Stack
    public ExampleStack()
        Azure.Core.ResourceGroup resourceGroup = new Azure.Core.ResourceGroup("rg-example");

        Azure.Storage.Account storageAccount = new Azure.Storage.Account("examplesa", new Azure.Storage.AccountArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            AccountReplicationType = "LRS",
            AccountTier = "Standard"

        Azure.Authorization.Assignment role = new Azure.Authorization.Assignment("owner", new Azure.Authorization.AssignmentArgs{
            PrincipalId = "88a0f5ab-bea2-421b-8fb9-c710ac6f8b10", 
            RoleDefinitionName = "owner",
            Scope = storageAccount.Id
To assign access to a resource, I typically use the
identify of the resource. If you're wanting to assign a roll to some newly created resource, there's a
as I believe sometimes it takes a while for the
to exist after the resource has been created. See below:
Copy code
using Pulumi;
using Azure = Pulumi.Azure;

class AnotherExampleStack : Stack
    public AnotherExampleStack()
        Azure.Core.ResourceGroup resourceGroup = new Azure.Core.ResourceGroup("rg-example");

        Azure.AppService.Plan appServicePlan = new Azure.AppService.Plan("plan-example", new Azure.AppService.PlanArgs
            Location = resourceGroup.Location,
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            Sku = new Azure.AppService.Inputs.PlanSkuArgs
                Tier = "Standard",
                Size = "S1",

        Azure.AppService.AppService appService = new Azure.AppService.AppService("exampleAppService", new Azure.AppService.AppServiceArgs
            Location = resourceGroup.Location,
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            AppServicePlanId = appServicePlan.Id,
            Identity = new Azure.AppService.Inputs.AppServiceIdentityArgs
                Type = "SystemAssigned"

        Azure.Storage.Account storageAccount = new Azure.Storage.Account("examplesa", new Azure.Storage.AccountArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            AccountReplicationType = "LRS",
            AccountTier = "Standard"

        Azure.Authorization.Assignment role = new Azure.Authorization.Assignment("owner", new Azure.Authorization.AssignmentArgs{
            PrincipalId = appService.Identity.Apply(sp => sp.PrincipalId),
            RoleDefinitionName = "owner",
            Scope = storageAccount.Id,
            SkipServicePrincipalAadCheck = true,
wow - thanks so much this is great! 😃