Hi everyone, we seem to get an error that has not ...
# azure
Hi everyone, we seem to get an error that has not existed earlier today in our Azure devops pipelines, Pulumi fails to do a dotnet restore and accessing our nuget packages. Has something changed today? We think we haven’t changed anything but may be wrong 🙂 We are using Azure nextgen by the way
I'm not aware of any changes that would cause this. Can you elaborate on what you're seeing? What error are you getting and when does it occur?
@brave-winter-60074 are you using the pulumi DevOps task and using azure artifact feed for your nuget packages? If so I put some comments on an open issue about this, may be of use - https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-az-pipelines-task/issues/40#issuecomment-722015961 Doesn't explain why you're only seeing issues now though!
ok thank you, i think it has nothing to do with pulumi, it just started failing last night. I will try to dig into our configuration and build image to see if something has changed