Is there any way to update an existing resource wi...
# azure
Is there any way to update an existing resource without having Pulumi own it? I am trying to create an Azure App Service certificate, which requires adding an entry to a TXT record in DNS, however this TXT record already exists, with entries added already, and will continue to be updated outside of Pulumi so it's not practical to have this managed in Pulumi state
You’d have to import-update-delete from state…
Why do you want to update it with Pulumi then? Why not Azure CLI or something, if that’s a one-time operation.
It's part of a deployment in Pulumi, so I'm creating the certificate object in Pulumi and need the DNS record to validate it
I guess I could have the C# call the rest API, but can I get that to depend on the certificate order being created first using Apply?
Yes, it should be possible with