Just hit on an issue where the example for a resou...
# azure
Just hit on an issue where the example for a resource omits a required parameter (https://www.pulumi.com/docs/reference/pkg/azure-native/compute/disk/#create-a-managed-disk-from-an-existing[…]-in-the-same-or-different-subscription) the output of running that gives:
Copy code
azure-native:compute:Disk (xxxxx-scaleset-linuxagents-disksource):
    error: Code="BadRequest" Message="Required parameter 'storageAccountId' is missing (null)."
Which makes sense, because looking at docs for `CreationData`it states:
Copy code
storageAccountId string
    Required if createOption is Import. The Azure Resource Manager identifier of the storage account containing the blob to import as a disk.
This is easy to fix of course, and for once errors made it easy to check as well 🙂 It seems that there is no difference api-wise if you're in the same or different subscription relating to "importing an unmanaged blob" examples - Should I make an issue in /docs or a PR?
Docs are generated from API specs
Including examples?
ah righto. impressive 🙂
So, if it’s wrong, you may open an issue/PR upstream and we’ll pick up the fix if it’s made