Hi, I’ve successfully used Pulumi Typescript to se...
# azure
Hi, I’ve successfully used Pulumi Typescript to setup an Azure Linux VM. I’d like see what ideas people have about automating the network security of the VM - in particular block port 80, open 443 - thought ip tables, or standing up an Azure Load balancer? Also wanted to setup a SSL certificate, again could be on the VM say in apache, with certbot/letsencrypt with temp DNS by http://xip.io/ or maybe this could be done on the loadbalancer. While I know I can/have written shell or Ansible scripts to do this on the VM, I was hoping there was a more elegant
way to automate this? Sorry if this scenario has been asked before, but I could not find an answer. Thanks in advance for any advice or pointers here.
Thanks @billowy-army-68599 - I’ll set this up and give it a spin 🙂