any plans on making azure locations and AKS K8s ve...
# azure
any plans on making azure locations and AKS K8s versions available as enums (python)?
These aren’t enums in Azure Open API specs. I guess we could take them from elsewhere but that’s lower priority at the moment. Also, we recommend setting the location in stack’s configs if that makes sense for your use case.
👍 1
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azure-native:resources:DeploymentAtSubscriptionScope (nameServerDelegation):
    error: Code="LocationNotAvailableForDeployment" Message="The provided location 'global' is not available for deployment. List of available regions is 'centralus,eastasia,southeastasia,eastus,eastus2,westus,westus2,northcentralus,southcentralus,westcentralus,northeurope,westeurope,japaneast,japanwest,brazilsouth,australiasoutheast,australiaeast,westindia,southindia,centralindia,canadacentral,canadaeast,uksouth,ukwest,koreacentral,koreasouth,francecentral,southafricanorth,uaenorth,australiacentral,switzerlandnorth,germanywestcentral,norwayeast,jioindiawest,australiacentral2'."
just got this error response (fair enough) indicating that there may be a source of truth for location enumeration