Hi :wave: I'm having trouble setting up a public d...
# azure
Hi 👋 I'm having trouble setting up a public dns-zone with azure native; and I'm uncertain where to ask for help. Is this the right place?
Hi Emile! Yes, it the right place.
Just guessing - but maybe you are hitting https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-azure-native/issues/583
Thanks! No, sadly not. My question feels more basic, in our setup we have a public dns zone for our root doman, and I want to add both a cname and txt record to that to redirect to an azure function. I think that I should use the `RecordSet`in the native network package, but that lets me only select a private zone. Is my thinking correct that I should use the recordset?
So it does sound like that issue above
oh, I read the issue different 😕 my bad
So the solution would be to use another version? We had a working setup with the old azure package. I guess that as long as this issue is open, I can better import that code?
Yes, you can import the V20180501 namespace/module as shown in a comment there and it will work. We are planning to fix it soon by splitting the resource into separate modules
as suggested in https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-azure-native/issues/690#issuecomment-807047041
Thanks! This really helps me 😄 I shall subscribe to the issue and use the old code for now