ie here from the azure console…
# azure
ie here from the azure console…
yes do you perhaps know how to configure it for azure ad and activate it on a function, it is not that clear for me how pulumi native handles this relation, is it just a AppSettings namevalue pair with some lookup on the authsetting or how ? Thanx in advance
Unfortunately, I don’t know off the top of my head. It may be easier to find an ARM template that does what you want and convert it to Pulumi.
ok thank you
I'm literally in the process of doing this right now... If you work it out, let me know, I'll do the same.
@worried-knife-31967 We are still strugling, Perhaps @tall-librarian-49374 could point us in the right direction. We weren’t able to find an arm template as inspiration and tried to download and search the pulumi source code. Without success, After creating the functionapp (web app) we create AuthSettings like this where the Name attribute is set to the functionApps Name. This or adding a App Setting with some value for MICROSOFT_PROVIDER_AUTHENTICATION_SECRET enables authentication in the function app, but the settings for which identity provider to use and the return http value is not set. I think that this App Setting should be lookud up by Pulumi code but I am not sure whether thats the case. We are not able to connect the two things correctly, can you help @tall-librarian-49374 with the missing link? Thanx in advance This is our current function app (web app) code
I haven’t tried this myself, so I can’t help, unfortunately
ok thanx,
My plan is to get that auth settings object adding, then configure the app in the portal, then run pulumi refresh and see what it wants to change. I'm waiting on the cloud app permissions from the client, but may run it up outside of that.
Hi folks, I've been digging through some of our docs and I've found the WebAppAuthSettingsV2Slot resource type which has a slot property which looks like it might be for the name of the web app. Is that useful?
It’s similar to the resource I linked about but for a slot
@brave-planet-10645 and @tall-librarian-49374 We are not really able to do this with pulumi and have been struggling for a couple of days now, nearing a week. When we use import on authSettingsV2 and uses these on a new app the settings do not result in a correct configured authentication in the portal for the specific function app. For example the code … results in this . where the provider is missing
and the 401 settings is also not correctly applied.