Did something change, I keep getting this when cre...
# azure
Did something change, I keep getting this when creating storage account blob containers (and it didn't happen at all last week 0->100%):
Copy code
azure-native:storage:BlobContainer silver creating error: cannot check existence of resource '/subscriptions/.../resourceGroups/cinsights-tiny-emea-rg/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/cinsightstinyemeasa/blobServices/default/containers/silver': status code 500, {"error":{"code":"InternalError","message":"Server encountered an internal error. Please try again after some time.\nRequestId:...\nTime:2021-05-18T18:05:15.3099349Z"}}
Looks like a service issue?
unclear, the blob starts being created then pulumi hangs for a long time
Can anyone else confirm?