hey the ts server in vscode kept crashing so I tur...
# azure
hey the ts server in vscode kept crashing so I turned on debugging and saw this
Copy code
Exception has occurred: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat '/Users/daniel/code/infra/vault/node_modules/@pulumi/azure-native/types/enums/machinelearningservices/v20200801/index.ts'
This is using azure-native 1.5.0 (maybe 1.10.0 will fix this?). Edit: haven't seen it since upgrading to 1.10 so you guys probably got this one already
I don’t think we did anything particular that could fix this error, TBH
yeah edit 2, came back to the repo and it's still happening
Exception has occurred: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat '/Users/daniel/code/infra/cluster/node_modules/@pulumi/azure-native/resources/v20151101/resource.tsx'
resourceGroup.ts and tsx too
honestly I'm unsure why it's happening only in this project, the other one is also referencing azure-native and it's fine