When I create a Logic Apps Custom Connector in the...
# azure
When I create a Logic Apps Custom Connector in the portal there is the option to tell it to use an on-prem data gateway. If I export the created template I see the following "gateway" entry under connectionParameters
Copy code
"resources": [
            "type": "Microsoft.Web/customApis",
            "apiVersion": "2016-06-01",
            "name": "[parameters('customApis_tesconnector_name')]",
            "location": "uksouth",
            "properties": {
                "connectionParameters": {
                    "gateway": {
                        "type": "gatewaySetting",
                        "gatewaySettings": {
                            "dataSourceType": "CustomConnector",
                            "connectionDetails": []
                        "uiDefinition": {
                            "constraints": {
                                "tabIndex": 4,
                                "required": "true",
                                "capability": [
                "brandColor": "#023169",
                "description": "Test Connector",
                "displayName": "[parameters('customApis_tesconnector_name')]",
                "iconUri": ""
Is it possible to achieve this with Pulumi. I have been looking at https://www.pulumi.com/docs/reference/pkg/azure-native/web/customapi/ but can't see how to do it. Note I am not trying to create a Gateway (which I believe is what https://www.pulumi.com/docs/reference/pkg/azure-native/web/connectiongateway/ is for) as we already have one, I just need to tell the connector to use one.
This sounds related to what we discussed last week
OK thanks @tall-librarian-49374, I'll assume that this isn't possible for now then