Hi folks, do all stacks in the same project necess...
# azure
Hi folks, do all stacks in the same project necessarily need to be deployed to the same Azure subscription? Or is Pulumi completely “agnostic” to this, i.e., does it simply deploy to whatever subscription happens to be the selected one in Azure CLI at the time when you do
pulumi up
The second. I don't think you can deploy resources in the same stack to a separate subscription, but you can certainly deploy different stacks to different subscriptions
You can deploy resources in the same stack to different subs, you just need to create a second provider instance for the second sub and use that
☝️ 1
Thanks @brave-planet-10645 and @miniature-leather-70472 but my question was about different stacks.
For example, I have 3 devs on a team. One Pulumi project in version control. One shared Pulumi organization, to which all 3 devs have access. Each dev authenticated against Pulumi using their own individual accounts, but all have access to the shared org and that’s where the stacks go. Now, can each dev do
pulumi up
with a new stack name, each against different Azure subscriptions?
Yes. You can either set the subscription id in the stack config or have it as an environment variable