Has anyone else had problems with autocomplete bei...
# azure
Has anyone else had problems with autocomplete being extremely slow with azure-native?
This is with vs-code, typescript
it probably makes sense given that in node modules we have azure: 13.8MB, 2961 files azure-native: 191MB, 57000 files
but it's not a great experience
yes, I remember a thread where this has been discussed before
@kind-mechanic-53546 there also is an issue about this: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/7082
We've also opened this issue to look at how the sub-modules get loaded In the meantime, we recommend instead of doing
import * as azure from "@pulumi/azure-native"
do something like
import * as network from "@pulumi/azure-native/network"
instead It comes from having a record of every single resource in Azure available in one package. That's a lot of code
Thanks @prehistoric-nail-50687 and @brave-planet-10645, clearly my google fu is lacking today 🙂