Good day <#CRVK66N5U|azure>. I've only just recent...
# azure
Good day #azure. I've only just recently joined the Pulumi Slack community and I'm looking forward to some great info and hopefully contributing as well. I have a question right out of the box. Does anyone have any experience with using Pulumi in the context of defining and implementing Azure Landing Zones. I've been aware of them for some time, but haven't had an opportunity or need to work with them, so I'm just getting my head around them at the moment. It seems that MS already has some templates for creating Landing Zones using ARM Templates and Terraform, but I haven't seen any info on either Pulumi templates or even best practices around using Pulumi for them. Thanks in advance for any info you can provide.
Hi Steve, welcome! I don’t have any relevant experience but (as a developer of the Azure Native provider) - if it works in ARM, it should work in Pulumi. If you have ARM templates handy, it should be easy to find the right resources/examples in Pulumi. And I can help with that.
@tall-librarian-49374 - Thanks! I was actually looking at pursuing exactly that option. I was thinking that I would try and assemble a sample landing zone via the UI and export the ARM template, then try to convert that to Pulumi. I was thinking, perhaps in the context of some components? How about this? I'm going to attempt to create something as a starting point (probably in C#), then I'll send the ARM templates and what I have to you. With that in hand, you may be able to make some recommendations. From there, maybe we can collaborate on a blog article and develop some best practices and templates? All of that, assuming someone here doesn't already have something.
Oh, that sounds good, let’s see how far we can get.
👍 1