Hi Team, I'm running into the following error when...
# azure
Hi Team, I'm running into the following error when trying to update the image reference of a VM: error: autorest/azure: Service returned an error. Status=<nil> Code="PropertyChangeNotAllowed" Message="Changing property 'imageReference.id' is not allowed." Target="imageReference.id". Anyone facing similar issue ?
did you make a code change?
Yes I did introduce several changes.
can you share your code and wht you changed? some options/parameters are immutable
Unfortunately I did not track what was changed, this is PoC. I'm going to start again with a blank slate and see if I can reproduce the issue just by changing the value of the image reference.
So I did restart from scratch, using the image reference as a string in the configuration and got the very same error message after changing its value in the configuration:
var dataDisk = new AzureNative.Compute.Disk($"{orgname}-{gridname}-n{i+1}-datadisk", new AzureNative.Compute.DiskArgs{
CreationData = new AzureNative.Compute.Inputs.CreationDataArgs
CreateOption = "Empty",
DiskSizeGB = 100,
ResourceGroupName = org.ResourceGroupName
var vm = new  AzureNative.Compute.VirtualMachine($"{orgname}-{gridname}-n{i+1}",
new AzureNative.Compute.VirtualMachineArgs
ResourceGroupName = org.ResourceGroupName,
HardwareProfile = new AzureNative.Compute.Inputs.HardwareProfileArgs
VmSize = "Standard_A1_v2",
Location = regionname,
NetworkProfile = new AzureNative.Compute.Inputs.NetworkProfileArgs
NetworkInterfaces = new AzureNative.Compute.Inputs.NetworkInterfaceReferenceArgs
Id =  networkInterface.Id,
Primary = true,
OsProfile = new AzureNative.Compute.Inputs.OSProfileArgs
AdminPassword = "xxxxxxxxxxxx",
AdminUsername = "xxxxxxxxxxxx",
ComputerName = $"{orgname}-{gridname}-n{i+1}",
WindowsConfiguration = new AzureNative.Compute.Inputs.WindowsConfigurationArgs
EnableAutomaticUpdates = true,
PatchSettings = new AzureNative.Compute.Inputs.PatchSettingsArgs
AssessmentMode = "ImageDefault",
ProvisionVMAgent = true,
StorageProfile = new AzureNative.Compute.Inputs.StorageProfileArgs
ImageReference = new AzureNative.Compute.Inputs.ImageReferenceArgs
Id = imageId,
OsDisk = new AzureNative.Compute.Inputs.OSDiskArgs
Caching = AzureNative.Compute.CachingTypes.ReadWrite,
CreateOption = AzureNative.Compute.DiskCreateOptionTypes.FromImage,
ManagedDisk = new AzureNative.Compute.Inputs.ManagedDiskParametersArgs
StorageAccountType = "Standard_LRS",
_//Name = $"{orgname}-{gridname}-n{i+1}-osdisk",_
DataDisks = new AzureNative.Compute.Inputs.DataDiskArgs
Caching = AzureNative.Compute.CachingTypes.ReadWrite,
CreateOption = AzureNative.Compute.DiskCreateOptionTypes.Attach,
ManagedDisk = new AzureNative.Compute.Inputs.ManagedDiskParametersArgs
StorageAccountType = "Standard_LRS",
Id = dataDisk.Id
DiskSizeGB = 100,
Lun = 1,
that's kinda hard to read sorry, can you wrap the code in 3 backticks each side
My bad
Copy code
var dataDisk = new AzureNative.Compute.Disk($"{orgname}-{gridname}-n{i+1}-datadisk", new AzureNative.Compute.DiskArgs{
                CreationData = new AzureNative.Compute.Inputs.CreationDataArgs
                    CreateOption = "Empty",
                DiskSizeGB = 100,
                ResourceGroupName = org.ResourceGroupName
            var vm = new  AzureNative.Compute.VirtualMachine($"{orgname}-{gridname}-n{i+1}",
                new AzureNative.Compute.VirtualMachineArgs
                    ResourceGroupName = org.ResourceGroupName,
                    HardwareProfile = new AzureNative.Compute.Inputs.HardwareProfileArgs
                        VmSize = "Standard_A1_v2",
                    Location = regionname,
                    NetworkProfile = new AzureNative.Compute.Inputs.NetworkProfileArgs
                        NetworkInterfaces = new AzureNative.Compute.Inputs.NetworkInterfaceReferenceArgs
                            Id =  networkInterface.Id,
                            Primary = true,
                    OsProfile = new AzureNative.Compute.Inputs.OSProfileArgs
                        AdminPassword = "xxxxxxxxxxxx",
                        AdminUsername = "xxxxxxxxxxxx",
                        ComputerName = $"{orgname}-{gridname}-n{i+1}",
                        WindowsConfiguration = new AzureNative.Compute.Inputs.WindowsConfigurationArgs
                            EnableAutomaticUpdates = true,
                            PatchSettings = new AzureNative.Compute.Inputs.PatchSettingsArgs
                                AssessmentMode = "ImageDefault",
                            ProvisionVMAgent = true,
                    StorageProfile = new AzureNative.Compute.Inputs.StorageProfileArgs
                        ImageReference = new AzureNative.Compute.Inputs.ImageReferenceArgs
                            Id = imageId,
                        OsDisk = new AzureNative.Compute.Inputs.OSDiskArgs
                            Caching = AzureNative.Compute.CachingTypes.ReadWrite,
                            CreateOption = AzureNative.Compute.DiskCreateOptionTypes.FromImage,
                            ManagedDisk = new AzureNative.Compute.Inputs.ManagedDiskParametersArgs
                                StorageAccountType = "Standard_LRS",
                            //Name = $"{orgname}-{gridname}-n{i+1}-osdisk",
                        DataDisks = new AzureNative.Compute.Inputs.DataDiskArgs
                            Caching = AzureNative.Compute.CachingTypes.ReadWrite,
                            CreateOption = AzureNative.Compute.DiskCreateOptionTypes.Attach,
                            ManagedDisk = new AzureNative.Compute.Inputs.ManagedDiskParametersArgs
                                StorageAccountType = "Standard_LRS",
                                Id = dataDisk.Id
                            DiskSizeGB = 100,
                            Lun = 1,
Copy code
var imageId = new Pulumi.Config().Require("imageId");
are you using auto naming? it looks like that value is immutable
I do
This is probably a silly question, but how do I workaround that ? I mean how can I update a virtual machine when there is a new image that I want to push ?
can you show me the diff when you go to update? if you're using autonaming, it should replace the VM with a new VM using the new image ID
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Type                                    Name                  Plan       Info
pulumi:pulumi:Stack                     snqacloud-csharp-dev
~   └─ azure-native:compute:VirtualMachine  org1-p1-n1            update     [diff: ~storageProfile]
I can definitely see the suffix for the virtual machine resource name in Azure portal.
yeah I'm thinking this might be a bug at this point, would you mind filing an issue in github.com/pulumi/azure-native
it should do a replace, not an update
Okay thank you ! Is there anything else I can do to confirm this is a bug and rule out that I'm doing soething wrong ?
which version of the provider are you using?
@numerous-action-56322 I think it's this property:
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ComputerName = $"{orgname}-{gridname}-n{i+1}",
can you try removing it?
Thanks for the thorough follow up. I’ll do it as soon as I get a chance and keep you informed on the outcome.
I'm afraid I cannot remove it, it is a required ppty.
error: Code="InvalidParameter" Message="Required parameter 'computerName' is missing (null)." Target="computerName"
Definitely a bug, please file an issue
Will do. Thanks
hey @numerous-action-56322 did you manage to get an issue opened here?
@numerous-action-56322 I discussed privately with Mikhail, to get you unblocked you can use `replaceOnChanges`: https://www.pulumi.com/docs/intro/concepts/resources/#replaceonchanges
@billowy-army-68599 Thanks again.
@billowy-army-68599 I've been trying to implement the provided workaround, however updates are still failing with the very same error message, as if the additional CustomResourceOptions passed as a third argument were ineffective
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new CustomResourceOptions{
                    ReplaceOnChanges =new List<string>(new string[] {"imageReference.id"} ),
I even tried to relax the property path by using just "imageReference" and the the joker "*" . Any idea ? Btw, I could not reuse the C# sample from the documentation since I don't know what the var
stands for. Could this be the reason why my updates are still not working ? For your convenience, here's the sample provided in the documentation , the var `pulumi`appears on the last line only.
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var widget = new Pulumi.Kubernetes.ApiExtensions.CustomResource("widget", new WidgetArgs
    Spec = new WidgetSpecArgs
        Input = "something",
}, pulumi.ReplaceOnChanges([]string{"spec.input"}));