Any way of dumping raw ARM API call data while per...
# azure
Any way of dumping raw ARM API call data while performing a stack.up (I'm using automation API)? I'm in conversation with Azure support and they want this to help debug an issue I'm facing with public static IP provisioning.
If you want to see the REST API calls, which Pulumi is sending to Azure, you need to add --logflow as an argument. The full set of arguments for logging/debugging looks like this
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pulumi up --yes --skip-preview -v=9 --debug --logflow
👍 1
thanks! this helps, but i see this in the output:
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pulumi:pulumi:Stack stackname  flag provided but not defined: -v
    pulumi:pulumi:Stack stackname  Usage of tf-provider-flags:
    pulumi:pulumi:Stack stackname    -get-provider-info
    pulumi:pulumi:Stack stackname      	dump provider info as JSON to stdout
    pulumi:pulumi:Stack stackname    -version
    pulumi:pulumi:Stack stackname      	get built provider version
i have a feeling that flags aren't being parsed correctly. possibly related to this:
i'm using pulumi version v3.12.0
Can you show me what you ran?