Hi <@UB39JFCKC> I am trying to set up authenticati...
# azure
Hi @tall-librarian-49374 I am trying to set up authentication for a FunctionApp using WebAppAuthSettingsV2. How do I set the "Client secret value", aka the value for the MICROSOFT_PROVIDER_AUTHENTICATION_SECRET? Previously, I was able to set it with WebAppAuthSettings.MicrosoftAccountClientSecret, but I cannot find any relevant properties in WebAppAuthSettingsV2.
I don’t know off the top of my head. We’d have to find an example of an ARM template or something.
@tall-librarian-49374 Thanks a lot for your reply! I looked at the template for a FunctionApp that I know is configured properly, but could not find anything related to authentication. Attached the template for info. Did I look at the wrong thing?
is ARM. It’s not in your example, indeed.
If your example is 100% correct and enough, maybe you don’t need that resource?
Mmm, well I'm trying to set a function app that can be accessed from a b2c registered app (Client). I'll double check whether the client secret value is actually required.