Does the arg structure need to be flat and use `pu...
# multi-language-hackathon
Does the arg structure need to be flat and use
types? I'm using typescript but am curious about Go, too. It looks like Go has a converter Option A - flat with pulumi types:
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export interface StaticPageArgs {
    indexContent: pulumi.Input<string>;
Or can there be more complex inputs that use standard language (eg. typescript) types or previously defined types? For example, if I wanted to create a cloudfront distribution where the user can access ~ most ~ of the ordinary Cloudfront config arguments, would something like this work? Option B:
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import { DistributionArgs } from '@pulumi/aws/cloudfront';

export interface StaticPageArgs {
  indexContent: pulumi.Input<string>;
  someRandomHardcodedConfigValue: number;

  // cloudfront distribution args would be available at `args.cloudfront`
  cloudfront: DistributionArgs;
Option B reeemixx:
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import { DistributionArgs } from '@pulumi/aws/cloudfront';

export interface StaticPageArgs extends DistributionArgs{
  indexContent: pulumi.Input<string>;

  //Cloudfront Distribution args would be available here at the root of args
Option C:
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import { DistributionArgs } from '@pulumi/aws/cloudfront';

export interface StaticPageArgs extends DistributionArgs{
  indexContent: pulumi.Input<string>;
  // only provide the user with very limited sets of options because pulumi wants to provide heavily
  // opinionated "best practice" components
  cloudfrontName: pulumi.Input<string>;
@white-balloon-205 do you have an answer here? I don't 😞
After taking a look at how the underlying cloudfront CustomResource works [1], it seems like pulumi.Input can wrap standard typescript types (eg.
as> well as other nested types (eg.
where inputs.cloudfront.DistributionCacheBehavior is defined in the
file: [1]
Note: thanks @flaky-ghost-73674 for pointing out that types can be added to the
, just like the "bucket" type is provided here:
@flaky-ghost-73674, having trouble finding the resource definitions for other resource types, any ideas? ie.
for cloudfront.Distribution
that particular one is awscloudfront/distributionDistribution
In the future, I’ve found it’s helpful to search with the type name you’re looking for (“Distribution”) with a
in front (e.g.
🙌 1
This is definitely an area we need to improve