Does this page exist somewhere still? It is refere...
# general
Does this page exist somewhere still? It is referenced in
if you don’t have Python configured (I’ve never touched Python on a fresh OS X install), but the page 404s. I had search in the docs and can’t find anything related but could easily be missing something.
Ah, whoops, that's a bad link. @bitter-oil-46081 Should we move some of these docs to pulumi/pulumi's wiki? (Although in this case, my guess is that it's referencing out of date material from ages ago when we had private packages.)
Yeah, I just looked at the page and it is all about setting up your system to use our private package repositories (which we no longer use). So at a minimum we should just change the error message because the page it links to has nothing to do with the fact that we couldn't find some python tools.
@stocky-spoon-28903, What version of macOS are you using?
High Sierra
I don't actually have a mac machine to test this on (maybe @big-piano-35669 remembers how he actually installed Python, but this page: Looks like a reasonable starting point for getting Python. The key here is to make sure you install Python 2.7, instead of Python 3, which we do not support yet.
I just looked around to see if we had a spare MacBook here, @stocky-spoon-28903 that I could try to use to document what you needed to do to get a development environment set up from scratch on macOS, but no such luck. If you are able to get the tooling set up, I'd love to hear what you did so we can document it. I'll keep trying to find a clean machine I can do some experiments on as well.
I opened around getting more prescriptive here. Feel free to dump anything you try that works there.
Ok, I’ll get it figured out, likely in terms of homebrew.
👍 1
Copy code
+brew 'go'
+brew 'node'
+brew 'pipenv'
+brew 'python2'
+brew 'typescript'
+brew 'yarn'
This seems to be the base set of packages that will get Pulumi and all of its SDKs to build on a fresh mac
Thank you so much!
It might be a reasonable idea to include a Brewfile in the repo?