Hello guys, I'm looking for the reference document...
# general
Hello guys, I'm looking for the reference documentation for python ( with the list of all functions, classes, their arguments and outputs ), any idea where it is ? For the moment, I always arrive into the
one instead Thanks
Producing API docs for Python is on our TODO list at the moment, sorry about that. I don't have the GitHub issue handy, but will make sure we have one. We should be generating all the right """-style comments, so I'm hopeful it won't be a lot of work.
Ok, no soucy, I'm used to Terraform so it's not that hard to figure out stuff, but it'll surely come in handy
Fwiw, in the meantime, if you load up a Python-aware editor like VS Code, you should get interactive documentation. Not quite the same but also useful.
Ow, nice, I was viming all the way since it was only a poc but I'll switch to something more advanced in that case
@able-tomato-34262, I’m using vim and code completion all the time and it works like a charm with Python. https://github.com/Valloric/YouCompleteMe
🎉 1
I'll try that right away
I’ve been using vundle to manage vim plugins and it’s great. Hope it works for you! https://github.com/VundleVim/Vundle.vim
I think using YouCompleteMe, GitGutter, easy-motion, and a nice status bar makes all the difference.