I wonder how much this will help or not <https://a...
# general
It's great to see AWS hopping on the "real code" bandwagon. I think we may have inspired them 🙂 CDK is actually a lot like Troposphere, in that it compiles code down to CloudFormation (https://github.com/cloudtools/troposphere). We've been talking to this team about working together, but we also believe strongly in multi-cloud which, as you can guess, is a bit more contentious with them. Definitely eager to hear your thoughts, though!
👍🏻 1
I've discovered Pulumi 2 weeks ago while googling for Lambda/Fargate bits; I tested the ffmpeg example and I was blown away... as for AWS CDK it is nice to see they going there and I expect that would make in time Pulumi's AWS integration easier.
👍 1
🎉 1
Love hearing that 🙂 Definitely hope you keep finding fun things to do with Pulumi.