Hi, I'm new to k8s and thought it will be a good s...
# general
Hi, I'm new to k8s and thought it will be a good starting point to use pulumi to learn deployments. I'm stuck on a probably trivial issue while running example from the `simple-reproducible-kubernetes-deployments`:
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Previewing update of stack 'exposed-deployment'
Previewing changes:

     Type                 Name                                   Plan          Info
 +   pulumi:pulumi:Stack  exposed-deployment-exposed-deployment  create
 *   └─ global            global                                 no change     1 error

  global: global
    error: Unable to read kubectl config: invalid configuration: no configuration has been provided

error: an error occurred while advancing the preview
I'd appreciate pointing to the right path, thanks!
Hi Jarek ... what output comes from pulumi config?
I'm specifically wondering if you tried to set pulumi config set nginx:isMinikube true as part of your config
Hi, in both cases, isMinikube true/false it's the same.
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error: Unable to read kubectl config: invalid configuration: no configuration has been provided
I suspect it might be something related to kubectl?
@mammoth-caravan-51104 we use the same configuration files as kubectl. Did you set that up?
The file is called a kubeconfig file, and by default it lives in ~/.kube/config
@creamy-potato-29402 right, i missed that. I'm on AWS, does it mean I need to setup EKS manually? I was hoping Pulumi handles that as well. Is it by design?
@mammoth-caravan-51104 Pulumi is just designed works anywhere
works, but if you don’t already have a cluster, here’s an app where we boot up EKS and then run a helm chart on top of it, in the same app: https://github.com/pulumi/examples/tree/master/aws-ts-eks
If you’re all set up with pulumi/node/AWS you can just run
pulumi up
and it should “just work”
great, will try it out, thanks a lot!