<@UCSAXD673> Do you mean "web backend" for storing...
# general
@handsome-hairdresser-11407 Do you mean "web backend" for storing stack state?
Today we only support
and local filesystem.
But this is something that we (or others) could extend in the future.
but "The Pulumi Enterprise product offers self-hosting options for the web backend"
So, we could host a Pulumi Cloud endpoint?
That's right. We have a Pulumi Enterprise product offering that will offer a self-hosted version of the full Pulumi Service. That means users can still get all the features of app.pulumi.com (state management, concurrency control, auditing, history, workflow, RBAC, resource visualization, deep linking to cloud, etc.), but with data and access managed on-premises (or in their own cloud provider account).
If you are interested in that, we can follow up with more details. We do expect options similar to the local backend (which forego many/most of the features above), but with alternate backend storage (such as Azure or AWS blob storage) to also become available for simple individual developer cases.
Can I deploy it on k8s with Pulumi? /cc @straight-cartoon-74589
Yes. That will be our preferred deployment option (we expect to support additional options over time to accommodate other enterprise environments).
👍 1
I think I read somewhere the state is encrypted. Is that encrypted by keys Pulumi has or just us?
Currently: 1. If you are using app.pulumi.com backend service - encryption by keys Pulumi service manages 2. If you are using the local backend - by a passphrase generated by the user (which must be shared with other users out-of-band of Pulumi) We are doing work to allow the approach in (2) even for the pulumi.com case as part of https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/1867 in our current milestone.