Sorry if this is a dumb question. But I tested pul...
# general
Sorry if this is a dumb question. But I tested pulumi under my personal github username. I'd like to create a stack under the company org. How do I do that?
There is an option to create an organization in the app
It’s here in the UI
As @stocky-spoon-28903 mentions, you first need to get your organization connected to Pulumi (which you do on Once that's done, on the CLI when you run
pulumi stack init
prefix the stack name with
So for example, I use
pulumi stack init pulumi/my-awesome-stack
to create a stack named my-awesome-stack in the pulumi organization.
AHA! Thanks. The CLI part I couldn't figure out.
@wooden-toddler-96888 we have a bug to make this a little more discoverable, so I have to ask, what did you look at to try to figure this out on your own and what would have been helpful to have?
@bitter-oil-46081 not the OP but when I was looking for the same thing a week or so ago and a hint in the command line help would have gone a long way, something like: Usage: pulumi stack init [organization-name/]<stack-name> [flags]