Hi everyone, is there any working example for <@UB...
# general
Hi everyone, is there any working example for @stocky-spoon-28903’s hint regarding async/await nodejs calls? I am trying to get it running with azure resource groups (
const resourceGroup = await azure.core.getResourceGroup …
) but am stuck in reading about the typescript Promise type and brain compiling to javascript. Any hints would be highly appreciated. As I am new to async/await that might be my main problem. @stocky-spoon-28903’s example seems to be just the core and I am just not getting how to do my async/await call so that nodejs does not fail with an
ReferenceError: resourceGroup is not defined
when using
later in the code.
The following should work:
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import * as azure from "@pulumi/azure";

async function main(): Promise<string> {
    const resourceGroup = await azure.core.getResourceGroup({
        name: "appservice-rg24afd37d",

    return resourceGroup.location;

export const location = main();
Note that
does not appear to return the
, but you also don't really need it because you can only get the resource group by name anyway, so you could just use that name where needed instead of calling
. You only need that function if you want to e.g. figure out what location the resource group is in.
Here's another example:
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import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
import * as azure from "@pulumi/azure";

async function main(): Promise<pulumi.Output<string>> {
    // Get an Azure Resource Group
    const resourceGroupName = "appservice-rg24afd37d";
    const resourceGroup = await azure.core.getResourceGroup({ name: resourceGroupName });

    // Create an Azure resource (Storage Account)
    const account = new azure.storage.Account("storage", {
        resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName,
        location: resourceGroup.location,
        accountTier: "Standard",
        accountReplicationType: "LRS",

    return account.primaryConnectionString;

export const connectionString = main()
Hi @white-balloon-205, thanks a lot. However, that looks like typescript and, sorry for the confusion, I have no idea about typescript. Would you mind to send me a js example, that would be great! The first short example would be mighty sufficient.
How about this?
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const azure = require("@pulumi/azure")

async function main() {
    const resourceGroup = await azure.core.getResourceGroup({
        name: "appservice-rg24afd37d",

    return resourceGroup.location;

exports.location = main();
Thanks a lot and thanks a lot for the js lessons as well 😉. I tried to figure out how to return the whole resourceGroup object at once (so that I can access its values by using resourceGroup.location) but I gave up and just repeated your function multiple times for now. Will try to think about how to do that tomorrow. Javascript really is a beast, no wonder you are using typescript ...