is there a way to pass certain properties down the...
# general
is there a way to pass certain properties down the component hierarchy (from parent -> child) without passing the property explicitly to the childs constructor? I.e. think of something like Reacts Context API.
There is not, unfortunately. You’d have to pass the data to each child’s constructor.
Note that we do inherit some - like
down the hierarchy already today. It's reasonable that we could add something like
on components that gets inherited in a similar way, reaching up to the root of the hierarchy to find a value. That would though make the interface for a component much less explicit - they would presumably then depend on some ambient
being provided. @glamorous-printer-66548 Curious if you have a design for this in mind that you think would work well? If so, would be great to open a GH issue with the suggestion to track this (and disucss).