<app.pulumi.com> is really slow :anguished:
# general
app.pulumi.com is really slow 😧
Was this the whole site? Or specific pages? Was this a point in time thing you were seeing, or a general issue you've had?
Unable to load in chrome, very long loading time in firefox but successfully loaded it after a while. Issue might have been on my side. Internet connectivity was fine on my side though (150mbs up/down)
still infinite loading on chrome
was stripe added recently ?
Interesting - I can't reproduce this over here. But yes, Stripe was added yesterday (not being used yet, but it's part of a feature behind a feature flag). Are you seeing that fail to load somehow?
but this looks like classic adblocking
same problem with adblocker off
Huh - yeah - that looks like an adblocker. I believe that error implies its some software installed in Chrome blocking these. We'll need to look into why this prevents the site from loading at all though - that should not need to happen.
Infinite loading without my adblock too. So not related I suspect. Successfully loaded on incognito tab after approx. 1min.
We'll look into this. If you have any other tips on anything unique to your environment - let us know.
macOs Mojave, Chrome 69
It’s working again after a full cleaning.
(cookies, localStorage, ...)
@adventurous-jordan-10043 And after clearing cookies and localStorage things work (even with ad block enabled)? What ad blocker extension are you using?
ublock origin
things worked again after clearing everything
maybe it was on my side (network related)
Okay. Interesting. I’ll dig in on our end as well.