I refactored my code into functions so I can do st...
# general
I refactored my code into functions so I can do steps like so:
Copy code
const infra = setupEKS();
const website = deployWebsite(infra);
pulumi up
on my local box works perfectly. On travis, I get this:
Copy code
*  global global no change 1 error. error: Unable to read kubectl config: invalid configuration: no configuration has been provided
 *  aws:route53:Record <http://www.polyverse.com|www.polyverse.com> no change 
 *  global global no change 1 error
  global: global
    error: Unable to read kubectl config: invalid configuration: no configuration has been provided
I don't understand what it means. I'm sure it had to do with some export I must have removed by accident.
cc @creamy-potato-29402 This error looks like it will happen when the
cannot be found - meaning it isn't available in provider configuration and can't be found ambiently from the environment. Are you providing configuration via
new kubernetes.Provider(...)
That's right
Client go is failing to get a kube config file
@creamy-potato-29402 Any tips on how to diagnose why this would be happening?
It is ought to be fairly straight forward: KUBECONFIG env var is not set, and there is no kubeconfig at ~/.kube/config
Oh.... wait let me try that. Any way to repro this locally? That way I can rinse-repeat without pushing out to github. I assume my ~/.kube/config is being picked up locally, and deleting that should repro this?
It should
I suspect you're not using the eks provider though
So when deploying locally you are just deploying to the active context in your kubeconfig