```Diagnostics: kubernetes:apps:Deployment: test...
# general
Copy code
  kubernetes:apps:Deployment: test
    error: Preview failed: 5 errors occurred:

    * Resource 'test' was created but failed to initialize
    * [MinimumReplicasUnavailable] Deployment does not have minimum availability.
    * [ProgressDeadlineExceeded] ReplicaSet "test-648575886b" has timed out progressing.
    * Minimum number of live Pods was not attained
    * 1 Pods failed to run because: [InvalidImageName] Failed to apply default image tag "[object Object].<http://azurecr.io/test:0.1.1|azurecr.io/test:0.1.1>": couldn't parse image reference "[object Object].<http://azurecr.io/test:0.1.1|azurecr.io/test:0.1.1>": invalid reference format

error: an error occurred while advancing the preview