<@UB3BGTV63> is there an example of using the prov...
# general
@white-balloon-205 is there an example of using the provider-level
option? Related issue: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/1620
aeeehm, I thought it is possible to set some provider level configuration “deleteBeforeReplace” (configurable via pulumi config) from your wording in #1620 but now I probably have misunderstood this. Its probably a hardcoded parameter in the provider source code right now?
Yes - currently it's hardcoded into certain resources in the provider source. #1620 is all about making that something you can set at resource creation time.
what i don’t understand is why this works in terraform without explicitly setting some deleteBeforeReplace-like option or similar. Shouldn’t pulumi simply mirror the behaviour of the terraform gcp provider?
The terraform engine schedules deletes before creates by default. Pulumi does creates before deletes by default. This is a decision that the deployment engine makes, not the providers themselves (they just describe how to do a Create, Read, Update or Delete against the cloud provider). Combined with autonaming, the Pulumi approach avoids downtime for a broad range of updates by default. We absolutely need to fix #1620 so that this is something users can control as needed.
I see, makes sense, thanks. Might be worth to document this fundamental difference in the default engine behaviour somewhere for folks like me having a terraform background.