Is it normal for pulumi-aws ec2 resources to get s...
# general
Is it normal for pulumi-aws ec2 resources to get spun up/down serially, even though `pulumi up`/`down` is being called with
--parallel 100
. I simply have a list of ec2 instances that I'm spinning up and down, and I've notices that the bigger the list, the longer these operations take. Have I accidentally introduced some kind of data dependency between my machines that forces Pulumi to process them one-by-one?
Unfortunately, until is implemented, Python programs cannot be parallelized; so they always run serially. I think we have a reasonable idea of the design there -- it's "just" a matter of work (which we can prioritize higher to unblock you for sure). Are all of your programs in Python, or do you also use Java/TypeScript?
All in python, but that's only because we run Python apps with wallaroo. For consistency. I guess there's not reason not to do it in typescript if that means true parallelism
Let me rewrite the stack definition in typescript and see the difference
👍 1
In general, TypeScript is a bit further along than Python -- in this regard and in the richness of higher level libraries like, but we are committed to supporting them both at the same level long-term, it's just a moment in time thing.
Definitely eager to hear what you think after rewriting.
Hmm, there's one thing that I forgot about. I generally wanted to keep the number of dependencies low -- if we keep the stack definition in Python, that means the entire wallaroo deployment system is just a
pip install -r requirements.txt
extra vote for python3x support as well!
@brave-angle-33257 come join #python! I’
’d love to hear about people’s python 2x vs 3x requirements
at Wallaroo, we've currently got python3 support on our plate. python2 will retire soon:
Well, the rewrite in JS resulted in lighting-fast spin-up times regardless of cluster size 🎉
but cluster shutdown is still serial
Starting with the 0.16 SDK (which should be released soon!) we will delete clusters in parallel too!
That's awesome news!